Propolis 2
Propolis or bee glue is a resinous mixture that honey bees produce by mixing saliva and beeswax with exudate gathered from tree buds, sap flows, or other botanical sources. it is used as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in the hive. propolis is used propolis 2 for small gaps (approximately 6 millimeters (1 ⁄ 4 in) or less), while larger spaces are usually filled with beeswax. eine freude machen naturkosmetik wissenswertes: 1) was ist propolis ? 2) was ist honig ? 3) gelee royale 4) blütenpollen 5) bienenbrot honigblog propolisforum twitter shop kategorien » honige » honigschnaps » propolis » gelée royale » blütenpollen » kosmetik * neu * » burt's bees Amazon. com: propolis. For the highest quality extract, ethanol (also called grain alcohol, pure alcohol or ethyl alcohol c 2 h 6 o) is used, however any food grade alcohol that is at least 130 proof (65% alcohol) will work well. ideally propolis is ground into a powder prior to making a tincture or extract from it. oz 1 case p...